Public Works

Alta maintains its public works in partnership with various agencies. For example, our main street through town is actually State Road 210 and is resurfaced, painted and plowed by the State’s Department of Transportation. The Town maintains a few other sections of road, often utilizing State of Utah C-Road funds to pay for maintenance or repairs such as Albion Basin Summer Road dust control or culverts.

Our culinary water system was constructed in 1977 and it is owned and operated by the Town. The source of the water is deep in the shaft workings of the historic Bay City Mine Tunnel. Ground water is pumped from a 300’ vertical shaft up to a 350,000 gallon reservoir. Our partner in the water business and in protecting the public watershed in which Alta is situated is the Salt Lake County Service Area #3, with whom the Town of Alta  contract to operate and maintain our water system. Any questions regarding this system should be directed to the Town Clerk at 742-3522 or the Service Area at 278-9660.

View the Town of Alta 2023 Water Quality Report

June 26, 2023 Peruvian West Water Line – Informational Meeting Recording
video password: fTw!p#D2