Have you been to the Alta Reading Room (ARR) lately? If you have not, you should drop in and take a look at the new offerings. In mid-June nearly 2/3rds of the collection was replaced with new materials. There are a lot of new fiction, mysteries and science fiction titles to choose from.
We no longer have a sign-out for the books due to privacy issues, but if you borrow a book, please remember to bring it back so someone else can enjoy it as well.
As always, Alta residents are not limited to what is on the shelf at the ARR. You can sign up for Alta-Mail-A-Book and have any book in the Salt Lake County Library System collection delivered to your mail box. If you would like this service set up for you, contact SLCO Library Customer Service at 801-946-4636.
If you have suggestions for or questions about ARR, please contact me. I am happy to help!
Trudy Jorgensen-Price
Manager of the Alta Reading Room