What's New

July 16, 2021

The Utah Department of Transportation recently released the Draft Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement including two preferred alternatives for a proposed transportation project to improve safety, reliability, and mobility on SR-210 from Cottonwood Heights to Alta. Visit the project website here for all materials related to the Draft EIS, or see below for highlights:

A comment period on the EIS is open until September 3rd. UDOT is hosting a virtual public hearing to recieve official comments on the Draft EIS and preferred alternatives on Tuesday, July 20th at 6 PM. Those wishing to provide an official comment must register in advance. Visit the project website to register and find a link to the Zoom meeting.

The Town of Alta urges Alta community members to review the EIS materials and provide official comments to UDOT. For information about how to provide effective comments on an EIS, click here.

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